Birthday Cakes for Kids

With four little girls in our house, we have a lot of fun. One way we have fun & save few dollars is to make our own birthday cakes. They choose the theme and I do my best to make it happen. I'm not the best yet, but I am getting better. This blog is for me to share my ideas with you and also for you to share yours with the rest of us do-it-all moms.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baseball Park Cake- Texas Rangers

This was made with a 14 inch round and a 10 inch square. I cut each in half and pieced it together in this shape, making double layers.

The deco is fondant for the brown (dirt) and buttercream for the green & white.

I know it's not a scale model of any kind... just green grass & 4 bases...

The most important part is that it tasted great and the birthday boy was happy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cute Puppy Dog Cake

This cake was made by piecing together a loaf pan size cake with some smaller round cakes. The head is rice crispy treats shaped like a head and then topped with buttercream and fondant. The legs are pieces of cake cut to fit.

It was all put together and covered in buttercream and decorated with MMF.

My daughter loved it!

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